What is Respect?
Respect is an attitude of caring about people and treating them with dignity. Respect is valuing ourselves and others. We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. When we are respectful we treat others as we want to be treated. Respect includes honouring the rules of our family or school, which make life more orderly and peaceful. It is knowing that every man, woman and child deserves respect, including you.
Why Practice It?
Without respect for rules, we would have confusion. People would treat each other rudely and violate each other's privacy and other rights. Respect helps people to feel valued. Elders deserve special respect because they have lived longer and learned many of life's lessons. Self respect is making sure no one hurts you or abuses you, even an elder. When you respect yourself, others respect you, too.
How do you practice it?
Think about how you would like other to treat you and treat them with the same dignity. How would you like others to speak to you, treat your belongings, and your right to privacy? If you want to use someone else's things, ask, and then take good care of them. Express even your strongest feelings in a peaceful way. Treat yourself as you feel others deserve to be treated. You deserve it too.
Signs of Success
Respect is …
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Students demonstrate by: |
Adults demonstrate by: |