The school provides many opportunities for parents and caregivers to discuss their child's learning, behaviour and general development. These include the following;
The school newsletter is posted on the school web site and on the SKoolBag app every fortnight. Parents can also choose to have the newsletter emailed to them. The newsletter contains information about coming events, achievements by students and staff, news from parent groups, and general information about happenings in our school and community, and education in general.
Members of staff are always willing to meet with parents and caregivers when it is considered necessary. Preferable times are before and after school and during the lunch-time and teacher release breaks. Teachers also have playground/bus duty responsibilities at various times. We therefore ask that appointments be made by contacting the school by telephoning the Administration Office on (02) 4933 7524.
Teachers often phone or talk to parents if they are concerned about a student's progress or social or emotional development. The parent/teacher/student partnership is most important in supporting each student's learning.