East Maitland Public School

Respect Responsibility Learning

Telephone02 4933 7524


School hours

School assemblies

Assemblies are for the presentation of wards, commendation of effort, performance of items and the celebration of special events. We have three different assemblies:

  • Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 assembly is held fortnightly (odd weeks) on a Monday at 1:00pm.
  • Years 3-6 is held fortnightly (odd weeks) on a Wednesday at 2:00pm.
  • Whole school assembly is held fortnightly (even weeks) on a Friday at 12:10pm for messages, sports announcements and relevant reminders of activities and expected student conduct.

Before school supervision and early arrival indemnity

Staff provide before school supervision from 8:30am - 9:00am. Students are not expected to arrive before that time as there is no direct supervision.

If there is an unavoidable need for your child to arrive before supervision is provided then you are asked to call at the office and complete an Early arrival indemnity form.

These are available from the School office. Students who arrive at school before 8.30am are to sit on the seats outside the library or under the shade cloth.

Supervision and Duty of Care

Teacher supervision of the playground commences at 8.30 am. In the interests of child safety, no student should be at school before that time as supervision is not provided.

There is additional supervision of children during the arrival and departure of the buses, the supervision of the pedestrian crossing at the highway and the walkers gate in William St in the afternoon.

Lessons commence at 9.00 am and conclude at 3.00 pm.  Students are not supervised prior to 8.30 am.  Students must leave promptly at 3.00 pm.

Our class times are: